Miracles & Medicine in Guatemala!
Children’s Hunger Relief Fund is proud to provide children’s hospitals in Guatemala with millions of dollars of medicines that have a great potential to be the difference between life and death for many children.
Recently CHRF sent a team from the United States to accompany a large medical shipment to two hospitals in Guatemala City. Brant Doner, assistant vice president for CHRF, shares about his experience with our partners:
“I’ve always dreaded going to the hospital, all of the pain that surrounds each trip, perhaps having children of my own someday will change that, but this trip felt no different, even worse. As we walked around the hospital for hours my heart became heavier and heavier with each step. Because each step brought me face to face with a new child, but each new child was in pain, many on the brink of death. My heart flooded with empathy, compassion and tears as I met innocent children and newborn babies that may not live through the week.
It’s this moment, the moment when I start feeling so distressed that I just feel like giving up, that I remember why we are here, I remember that God has enabled us to bring a helping hand to those in need, to bring a ray of light and hope to the hopeless.
At that same moment I met Rolando, a little boy who had broken his arm and was only in the hospital for a few days, he was so excited to see visitors and show us his new hairdo. I asked him if he could make my hair look the same, his bright smile lit up the room.
As I walk into the trauma and intensive care unit the feeling of intense pain and suffering seizes my every thought, emotion and feeling. I cannot think, I cannot breathe, I cannot move, all that I can do is stand and feel the pain that is torturing these helpless children.All I can do is pray that I can somehow ease their suffering for just one moment.
It’s impossible to walk away from these children without the desire to give anything you can just to take away their pain. I want to help them, I want to help heal them, but I know that alone I am rendered helpless myself. They need Angels. Angels like YOU, and the thousands of CHRF donors who have responded to Christ’s calling to help His children in need. These children need you, they need your help, and together, we can help to make a difference, together, WE ARE making that difference, that difference many times can be the one between life and death.
As I left Guatemala, I found myself not distraught by the pain we found, but inspired by the help we are providing. A re-emerging passion to help the helpless, a burning desire to give anything and everything to help these children. Without the CHRF donors much of this work would be impossible, it’s another Miracle coming to life. On behalf of our Guatemala team Thank you to all of our friends, supporters and donors as we unite to provide love and hope to desperate children around the world.”