Stories of Juárez
Diana was like most 7 year-old girls leading a happy life with her parents and friends. Known by all to be a young and cheerful spirit, always wearing a smile and spreading joy to all whom she touched. This was truly rare as Diana lives in Juarez, Mexico, one of the most dangerous cities in the world, a city terrorized and rampantly imploding with drug cartel and gang murders, their violence withholding mercy even from the innocent children of the city.
Diana sat at her school after classes to be picked up by her father as many children here in the United States so often do. When a spray of gunshots burst into the air the children were quickly taken inside the school for safety and slowly taken away by their parents until finally Diana was the last student left at the school.
The cause for the gunshot eruption remained mysterious but the bodies of the slain victims lay cold on the city streets. There, Diana’s father lay murdered. Not only had Diana lost her beloved father, but along with her the the loss of her father, she had any reason for her joyful spirit to endure ripped and stolen away from her.
With the rest of the family unsure what to do with or for Diana after she had been so close to the murder of her father, they reconciled to send her, along with her four brothers and sisters, to our project partners orphanage and school in Juarez. A safe haven in Juarez known not only for their top marks in education, but also for the compassion and healing that they relentlessly provide to EACH child.
Weeks turned to months and after isolating herself from everyone at the Home, Diana could not resist the loving compassion and nurturing spirit that was freely provided to her by everyone, not only the staff but the other children at the home.
Diana’s smile and joyful spirit have returned once again, even after the horrific tragedy that she has been forced to go through at the incomprehensible age of 7. She remains at the school and orphanage with her new friends and family but has been visited by her real family. They, too, witnessed the resurrection of Diana’s spirit first hand and have given their eternal gratitude to the orphanage staff. They could see their old spirited Diana had returned, no longer recognizing the girl who had been robbed of everything she held dear.
It’s because of Children’s Hunger Relief Fund supporters and donors that modern day miracles like this can still happen, even in a place as dark as Juarez shadowed with violence and terror. Diana is not the only child that has been touched, comforted, and protected by the generosity of CHRF’s Donors and partners. Over the years hundreds of children have been rescued from the dangerous streets of Juraez and taken to an oasis of love and safety.
It is because of the generosity of donors that Children’s Hunger Relief Fund can continue such acts of compassion for Diana and children like her all over the world. Together, we reach our goal of bringing Hope to the Hopeless, one child at a time.